Dr. Vesna Danilovac

Dr. Vesna Danilovac

"Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me"

Mindfulness Trainings from Vesna in Serbia

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Master Trainer

Entitled to seal the following qualifications:
  • "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

"Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

Has achieved "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me" at NLP & Coaching Institut Berlin by Karl Nielsen and Dr. Nada Kaiser.

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About Dr. Vesna Danilovac

Doctor, NLP Master Trainer-IN, Coach Master Trainer-ICI, Psyhchotherapist NLPt-DVNLP, wingwave coach, Hypno coach, Reiki therapist, Thetha healing therapist, educator.


Feedback from her "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training
A wonderful video in Serbian with English subtitles


Feedback from her "NLP Master, IN" training

A poem of one of her participants
first in Serbian, then in English

Beograd, maj 2020.
Jelena Grigorov

Znate onu curu što je bila mala,
Što o NLP-u nije puno znala,
Što je bila zbunjena i puna dileme?
Ta cura više ne liči na mene!

Kada mi je život ponudio taster,
Posle Practitionera upisah i Master.
Dobila snagu, raširila krila,
Ciljeve male k'o od šale ispunila.

Pa krenula nežno, pa krenula snažno,
NLP mi ukazao šta je meni važno.
Nema više izgovora, lažnih obećanja,
Jer su tu pri ruci sva resursna stanja!

Unutrašnji delovi rekli su mi ko sam,
Bilo ih je mnogo, svelo se na osam.
Postadoše harmonija, napraviše tim,
Svako nekad glavni al' uvek Ja s' njim.

Ukućani srećni, s' promenom na „ti“,
Jer me je osvestila tema Konflikti.
Ne proganjam više, a ni žrtva nisam.
Taj ko hoće igre nek' ostane sam!

Na poslu me gledaju, pitaju se šta je!?
Ova žena svima nova znanja daje.
Kad sastanke vodi bude jasno svima,
Pomno prati proces i sve radnje snima!

A zaključci budu jasni, konstruktivni.
Negativci ćute, nisu više kivni,
Vlada dobra klima, opšta atmosfera,
Jer u džepu imam NLP džokera!

Tu negde, u letu, desi se korona!
Mnoge mi je šanse otvorila ona.
Već odavno znamo-kriza je i razvoj,
Pa ja tako nastavih da razvijam svoj!

Izazov je bilo prvo online učenje,
Mislila sam biće za mene mučenje,
Ali je ispalo pravo otkrovenje,
Potpuno me vratilo na putu do mene!

Vežbanje na netu, zadovoljstvo pravo.
Kako nisi ranije ti blesava glavo!
Grupica mi divna, dve presjajne cure,
Pomogle mi da procvetam iz svoje ljušture.

Rifrejming i modelovanje
Pojačaše dobro stanje,
Um mi se izoštrio, napregla se sva,
Jer me unapredila vežba “Spretna usta“!

Metaprogrami behu teorijski jasni,
Ali je ipak malo drukčije u praksi,
Treba puno vežbe, znanja, intuicije,
Da bi se pogodile tačne definicije.

Kod uverenja “Rad” je bio snažan.
I u ličnom procesu posebno važan.
Moćna i jaka četiri pitanja,
Doveše do oproštaja i do prihvatanja!

Pa submodaliteti, ta sjajna metoda!
Loša osećanja k'o odnela voda.
Uverenje loše za dobro se menja,
Promena je stalna, pa čak i kod kamenja!

U “Timeline”-u ostadoh bez daha,
Prodjoh tešku muku u nekoliko maha,
Al’ na kraju sledi i oslobodjenje,
I još jedno rađanje neke nove mene!

Ovoga puta o društvu skupa,
Jer je ipak ovde tema bila grupa.
Sve moćne ženske, energija strava,
I pamet i duša i lepota prava!

I sa vama beše lepo putovanje,
I sa uživanjem stečeno znanje,
Hvala za druženje i svaku reč lepu,
I što sam vas srela na ovome svetu.

I sada, na kraju, više nemam reči,
A više od ovog i šta mogu reći!?
Ispred vidim sjajnu i veliku sliku,
I u svakom trenutku neku novu priliku.

Dosta je reči, vreme je za dela,
I da se započne sve što nisam smela.
Promena ja bila kao snažna reka,
A sada ne želim da majstorstvo čeka!

Belgrade, May 2020
Jelena Grigorov

Did you once know that little girl?
Who didn’t know much about NLP,
All confused and in a quandary?
That girl looks nothing like me anymore.

When life offered me a switch taster,
After Practitioner I enrolled in Master.
Gained strength, spread my wings,
Achieved small goals with great wills.

I started softly, then I started strongly,
NLP showed me what to work on more importantly.
No more excuses, no more false promises,
Because at hand we have all the resource conditions!

Interior parts told me who I was,
They had been many, now reduced to eight.
They became harmonious, composed into a team,
Each taking lead at times, always with me alongside.

Family happy, on friendly terms with change,
Because after CONFLICTs, I gained my awareness.
I am not a stalker, and I’m not a victim.
Players of games shall end up lonely.

At work, people watching me: what is this?!
This woman gives new knowledge to everyone.
When she chairs a meeting, everyone has it clear,
She’s on top of the process and all actions captured.

All conclusions are clear and constructive.
Negative guys are quiet, and no longer angry,
Good air and general atmosphere are all around,
Because in my pocket I have NLP “joker card”.

All of a sudden, Covid struck!
Many possibilities opened up.
Since long, we know that crisis means development,
Hence, I continued to pursue my moment.

Challenging was the first online lecture,
I thought it would be a torture,
A real revelation as it turned out,
To myself it had me returned.

Practicing online, a real pleasure.
How come you didn’t think of it sooner, silly one!
My team is great, two girls amazing,
Helped me blossom from my shell all dazzling.

Reframing and modeling,
Have enforced my good condition,
My mind became sharpened and focused,
Once “skillful mouth” made me more advanced.

Meta-programs were clear in theory,
However, things in practice were different,
It takes a lot of practice, knowledge, intuition,
To get the correct definition.

During our convictions, “work” was significant.
And in personal process especially important.
Four questions, powerful and strong,
Lead to forgiveness and acceptance!

Followed by sub-modalities, this stellar method!
Washed away all of our negative emotions,
Conviction bad has been swapped with good,
Change is constant, even in stones!

“Timeline” left me speechless,
I’ve been through heavy misery in several strokes,
Eventually, I came to liberation,
And another birth of a new me!

This time in a company,
Because the topic here is group,
All powerful women, with awesome energy,
Brains, soul and beauty really!

I had a pleasant journey with you,
I gained my knowledge with joy,
Thank you for your company and every good word,
And for having met you in this world.

And now, in the end, I have no more words,
And after all this, what more could I say?
In front of me I see a great, beautiful picture,
And a new opportunity in every juncture.

Enough with the words, it’s time for actions,
And to begin all that I had been afraid of.
Change was like a snow river estuary,
And no more waiting with this mastery!

My experience about "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

Magical transformation of people and their experiences through conscious living!
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