In-Me Standard Qualification

About Us / In-Me Standard Qualification

Each In-Me qualification has its own curriculum, which includes the training duration, the training content and many other details. The "IN Certification Guidelines" contain an overview of all qualifications and the necessary information on a certificate. Below are all standard In-Me qualifications. Each qualification is supplied with a PDF containing the training content, and many other details.
Additional accredited, special ICI qualifications are listed here.

"Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

48 days 360 hours

incl. 32 days "Mindfulness Coach, In-Me"

The qualification "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me" consists of at least 360 hrs/48 days (120 hrs./16 days + the entrance qualifications “Mindfulness Coach, In-Me”).

For a transitional period the entrance qualification is "NLP Master, IN" plus "Mindful Intensive, In-Me" plus an approved intensive Trainings Concept.

"Mindfulness Coach, In-Me"

32 days 240 hours

incl. 20 days "Mindful Hero, In-Me"

The qualification "Mindfulness Coach, In-Me" consists of at least 240 hrs/32 days (90 hrs./12 days + the entrance qualification "Mindfulness Hero, In-Me").
It is about how to coach with techniques from "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me", "Mindful Human, In-Me" and "Mindful Hero, In-Me".

For a transitional period the entrance qualification "NLP Master, IN" plus "Mindful Human, In-Me" is accepted.

"Mindful Hero, In-Me"

20 days 150 hours

incl. 12 days "Mindful Intensive, In-Me"

The qualification "Mindful Hero, In-Me" consists of 150 hrs/20 days (60 hrs./8 days + the entrance qualification "Mindful Human, In-Me").
It is advanced Mindfulness intensified by the Hero's Journey: 1 Call, 2 Refusal, 3 Crossing, 4 Guardians, 5 Demons, 6 Inner Self, 7 Transformation, 8 Home.

"Mindful Human, In-Me"

12 days 90 hours

inclusive 4 days "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" or "Mindfulness Basic, In-Me" or MBSR

The qualification "Mindful Human, In-Me" consists of 90 hrs/12 days (60 hrs./8 days + the entrance qualification "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me").
We have based the Human Development Stages (HDS) on the latest scientific research of the famous history Professor Dr. Yuval Noah Harari. For this we highly recommend to read his Graphic History books regarding the evolution history of Homo Sapiens.

"Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

4 days 30 hours

1 hour daily homework over 8 weeks.

This qualification "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" consists of at least 30 hrs/4 days within at least 56 days (8 weeks).
It is Mindfulness intensified through NLP goals, NLP body language, NLP Meta Model, and NLP New Behavior Generator.

"Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me"

48 days 360 hours

For professionals with a rich experience in Mindfulness.

The entrance qualification for our "Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me" training is an academic Bachelor degree in Social Science (Psychology, Pedagogic, Nurse, Social Worker,…) or comparable professional life experience in this field and a “Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me” qualification (or comparable).
The training consist of:
- accompanying Coaching for a chosen project and the individual training concept
- access to our e-learning platform Moodle with all required content for conducting "Mindfulness Basic, In-Me" trainings
The qualification: "Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me" gives you the option to be appointed from the In-Me as seal entitled "Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me" for the 30 hours 4 days qualification: "Mindfulness Basic, In-Me". The content of the "Mindfulness Basic, In-Me" training is the content of the "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training without the NLP parts.
In the menu at the top of this website you find under "Search" and there under "Trainings" more details about this qualification.

"Mindfulness Basic, In-Me"

4 days 30 hours

1 hour daily homework over 8 weeks.

This qualification "Mindfulness Basic, In-Me" consists of at least 30 hrs/4 days training within at least 56 days (8 weeks).
From the In-Me appointed seal entitled "Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me" are qualified to offer this qualification in Mindfulness. The standard recommendation for the structure of the training is 6 hours training every 2 weeks. This makes 5 training days. Within every 2 training days the participants have every day 1 hour Mindfulness homework that they learned in the 6 hours training day before.
The content is the same as with "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me", but without the NLP parts (please see the download PDF under "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" above).