Paula Pinto

Paula Pinto

"Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me"

Master Trainer

Entitled to seal the following qualifications:
  • "Mindful Human, In-Me"
  • "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

Paula Pinto

Paula Pinto is head of the institute: Paula Pinto.

"Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

Has achieved "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me" at NLP & Coaching Institut Berlin by Karl Nielsen.

"Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

Has achieved "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" at Joana Sobreiro by Joana Sobreiro.

Please pick your specialization


About Paula Pinto

I present on the Mindfulness World Congress of the In-Me association on 9 Dec. 2023:

In Portuguese: "Para além da Sobrevivência: Florescer com Mindfulness"
Dia 9 de Dezembro de 2023, 12:00-13:00 CET (11:00 - 12:00 Portugal). O link Zoom será enviado por e-mail no dia anterior, sendo necessária a inscrição prévia.
Por favor inscreve-te aqui

Vem conhecer o que a ciência diz sobre o Mindfulness e experimentar práticas simples. O Mindfulness é uma viagem de conexão connosco e com a Natureza. O Mindfulness é um estilo de vida. Iniciamos esta viagem maravilhosa no Curso “Mindfulness Intensive In-me”, e aprofundamos no “Curso Mindful Human”. O caminho és tu que decides.



About me: PhD in Biochemistry, professor and researcher at University for more than 20 years, specialized in the field of nutrition and well-being, with more than 40 published scientific papers. My holistic approach to human well-being and the interest on behavior and mindset change has driven me to become an internationally certified Life Coach, Professional Coaching Trainer, and Mindfulness Master Trainer. I have developed, organized, and facilitated more than 60 courses, workshops, and seminars within the behavioral area, with emphasis on emotional intelligence, coaching, soft skills, and meditation. I provide certification In-Me in Mindfulness and develop personalized programs to improve well-being. 

Sobre mim: Sou doutorada em Bioquímica e Professora no Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, em Portugal, há mais de 20 anos. A minhha área de investigação centra-se no bem-estar psicológico e nutrição. A minha visão holística do bem-estar, e o meu interesse na alteraçao do comportamento e pensamento humanos levaram-me a certificar-me como Lífe Coach, Coaching Trainer e Mindfulness Master Trainer. Desenvolvi, organizei e facilitei mais de 60 cursos, workshops e webinars na área comportamental, com enfase em inteligência emocional, coaching, soft skills e meditação. Ultimamente tenho facilitado cursos e workshops de mindfulness, em ambiente académico e não académico, com certificação In-Me.

profile.My experience about "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

Completing the Mindfulness Trainer In-Me was hard work, but very creative! It was fun; Karl and the group were highly supportive. It allowed me to go deeper into Mindfulness and NLP to create guided meditations and mindset changing exercises.

No that I am a Mindfulness Master Trainer, I just love to facilitate the courses. I apply myself more in my mindfulness practices during the courses and I always learn something new with my participants.

profile.My experience about "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

Mindfulness appeared in my life at a challenging time, when I was highly stressed with much workload. The immediate benefit was learning how to breathe! It is amazing how deep and profound breathing helps to balance anxiety and gives you a boost of energy.

I found out that doing very simple day-to-day practices with focus on the sensations of the body, increases awareness of the present moment. Repeating these routines every day changes your mindset to enjoy life as it happens moment by moment.

I have also introduced the formal practices of yoga and meditation, at least 15 to 20 minutes per day, and I do them in nature every time I have the chance. It has allowed me to reconnect with my core self, be more patient and more gentle with myself.
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