Ivana Boric

Ivana Boric

"Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me"

"Mastering Resilience: Mindfulness for Burnout Relief, In-Me"

"Mastering Resilience: Mindfulness for Burnout Relief, In-Me" training by trainer Ivana Boric in Online Training

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Master Trainer

Entitled to seal the following qualifications:
  • "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

Mindset Brain Academy

Ivana Boric is head of the institute: Mindset Brain Academy.

"Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

Has achieved "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" at Spiritus movens by Dr. Vesna Danilovac.

"Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me"

Has achieved "Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me" at Spiritus movens by Dr. Vesna Danilovac.

Please pick your specialization


About Ivana Boric

After 10+ years in Management and Executing Marketing, Communications, Events and Public Relations strategies on be half in political organization, media and entertainment industries, I decided to change my focus and last few years were in Coaching educations and make a huge steps and now is starting a new part of my professional life.

Certified Mindfulness MasterTrainer "In - me" , NLP Trainer in supervision, Professional Coach certificate by ECA,  Advance Ho'ponopono Practitioner,  iGCBT"M Certified CBT Therapist, Meditation Coach and Master Teacher, iGCLC™ Certified SMART Goals Coach , 

My experience about "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me"

When I first started practicing, I never imagined that I would experience such a variety of benefits!

Being mindful gives me the opportunity to stop rushing, sink into the moment and accept it for what it is. To be grateful for it, even when it isn’t easy or “perfect.”

What do you really want out of life? Who do you want to be? What kind of impact do you want to have in the world? It’s the space to go deep – Mindfulness program affords us that.
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