"Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me"

"Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me"

For the modern world, with its uncertainty, unpredictability, ambiguity, complexity and fragility, the typical image of a calm mind in a calm environment no longer meets the needs of mindfulness practitioners. The mentoring and certification as a Mindfulness Teacher In-Me prepare you to teach Mindfulness Intensive In-Me training courses. This qualification enables you to gain experience to apply for your appointment as a Mindfulness Master Trainer In-Me, with the right to issue certificates with an international seal.

You will have access to the Moodle platform of Mindfulness Evolving In-Me, a special area for Mindfulness Teachers in training, where you can find lesson plans, key content to teach Mindfulness Intensive In-Me courses and find all the guidelines to complete your tasks related to creating your own course in Mindfulness, following the curriculum of the international association Mindfulness In-Me. In addition to accessing the Moodle platform, you will be entitled to a monthly group mentoring meeting with Arline Davis.

Obtaining the Mindfulness Teacher In-Me certification is the first step to reaching the level of Master Trainer in Mindfulness In-Me, in which you can issue international certificates with In-Me seals.

To enter the Mentoring and Training Mindfulness Teachers In-Me, a selection process is carried out, in which you present a training proposal, which serves for an evaluation of curriculum and profile and guarantees a good “match” to enter the training. Please send an interview request to contato@institutoarlinedavis.com.br


"Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me"
This qualification entitles to have a forever free profile on this website.
Arline Davis
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US$ 990


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+5511 99204-2256
