MSc Monika Brkanac

MSc Monika Brkanac

"Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me"

"Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"

"Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training by trainer MSc Monika Brkanac in Croatia

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Master Trainer


MSc Monika Brkanac is head of the institute: UnaVita.

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About MSc Monika Brkanac

You are kindly invited to join us at the World Global Mindfulness Congress 2023 -transformative gathering dedicated to exploring the depths of Mindfulness and its profound impact on our lives.

Why Attend?

The World Mindfulness Congress aims to provide a space for learning, reflection, and connection. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your Mindfulness journey, this event offers valuable insights and practical tools to enhance your well-being.

Congers Highlights:

  • Keynote sessions by renowned Mindfulness speakers
  • Interactive workshops on cultivating Mindfulness in daily life
  • Guided meditation sessions for a holistic experience
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals

More informations about international Speakers and program visit web site:

🌟🌟🌟We highlight from the program

Mindfulness workshop: Just Be Present

Date: 9/12/2023. from 16.00 pm -17.00pm

Workshop leaders:

Mirjana Petković, MSc, Mindfulness Master Trainer

Monika Brkanac, MSc, Mindfulness Master Trainer

Open zoom link:

Applications must be made via:,

Language: The Mindfulness workshop is in Croatian language

Price: only your free time

🌟 Join Us in Cultivating Presence

Discover the power of Mindfulness in fostering a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Embrace the present moment and embark on a journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mindfulness Congress and sharing this enriching experience together!



Mindfulness – put prema svjesnosti

Mindfulness je poput mentalne vježbe koja vam pomaže ostati prisutnim u sadašnjem trenutku. Prisutnost se ostvaruje obraćanjem pozornosti na misli i osjećaje, a da se pri tome ne ostane uhvaćen u njima.
Zamislite kako je vaš um prometna autocesta i umjesto da vas ponese promet, vi samo promatrate automobile kako prolaze. To je sjajan način smanjenja stresa, poboljšanja fokusa i obraćanja pozornosti na male stvari u životu.
Zašto prisustvovati kongresu?

World Mindfulness Congress ima za cilj pružiti prostor za učenje, razmišljanje i povezivanje. Bez obzira jeste li iskusni praktičar ili tek započinjete svoje putovanje svjesnošću, ovaj događaj nudi vrijedne uvide i praktične alate za poboljšanje vaše dobrobiti.

Ne propustite:
• predavanja internacionalnih govornika i praktičara Mindfulnessa
• interaktivne radionice o prakticiranju Mindfulnessa u svakodnevnom životu
• vođene vježbe za cjelovito iskustvo
• mogućnosti umrežavanja s pojedincima istomišljenika

Više informacija o međunarodnim govornicima i programu posjetite web stranicu – Mindfulness World Congress 2023.


🌟🌟🌟Izdvajamo iz programa

Mindfullness radionica: Just Be Present (JBT)

Dana: 09.12.2023. od 16.00-17.00

Voditeljice radionice:

Mirjana Petković, MSc, Mindfulness Master Trainer

Monika Brkanac, MSc,  Mindfulness Master Trainer

Otvoreni zoom link:

Prijave obavezno napraviti putem:,

Jezik: Mindfulness radionica je na hrvatskom jeziku

Cijena: samo vaše slobodno vrijeme




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