About Us / Resources / Projects
About Us / Resources / Projects
The team for developing the In-Me curricula:
The In-Me Mindfulness qualifications:
1.“Mindfulness Beginner, In-Me”(at least 4 days / 30 hours)
Day 1: What do I really want in my life?
Day 2: What is my Body telling me?
Day 3: How do I cope with Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)?
Day 4: Future Pace and New Behavior GeneratorThe 30 hours can be as well spread over many evenings.
2. “Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me” (+ at least 8 days / 60 hours)
Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Beginners, In-Me"
3. “Mindfulness Master, In-Me” (+ at least 12 days / 90 hours)
Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"
4. “Mindfulness Coach, In-Me” (+ at least 12 days / 90 hours)
Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"
5. “Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me” (+ at least 18 days / 120 hours)Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Coach, In-Me"
Our aims are different for Mindfulness trainings:
We use everyday in our mindfulness trainings:
The courses are structured so that the main emphasis is on experiencing Mindfulness, being Mindful in touch with the other participants, and feeling the group experience and exchange, so that it is easily possible to do our trainings several times.
We use for these aims our special expertise in NLP, Coaching and Hypnosis.
To see the Trainer Notes for the first 4 days "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" please login. You can see the Trainer Notes and leave comments if you are a member of IN, ICI, WHO, Constellation or In-Me. For login you need to access this site under the Menu: "About Us / Ressources / Commission / In-Me Curricula" through the association where you are a member.
"Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me" training by trainer Karl Nielsen in Online Training
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